Computer Repair Today is More Complex.

Computer Repair Has Changed Over the Years

Tucson Computer Repair Services
Computer repair has definitely changed over the years. Personal computers only 15 years ago were much simpler devices. The computer usually ran just one program at a time, plus the programs were much simpler.

Today, computers are much more complex. Computers are able to execute many programs simultaneously. You can open a web browser, a game window and a word-processor window at the same time. This complexity leads to many more Computer Repair issues that can arise.

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SSD Drive Upgrade is the Best PC Speedup Method

SSD PC Speedup Upgrading to an SSD Drive (solid state drive) from your regular old hard drive (HDD) is the best upgrade you can make to your laptop or desktop computer, hands down!

Hard drives tend to be among the biggest bottlenecks in performance. SSD Drive speeds are insanely fast, meaning using one will make your boot times and application launches super-fast!

An SSD drive is a hard drive that’s made up of memory chips. It works the same way as a traditional hard disk drive. You wouldnt even know youre using an SSD if it wasnt for the difference in speed. [Read more&]

Virus Infections from Fake Support Sites

Virus Infections After a Support Call?

tech support virusOver the past few months, our Computer Repair shop in Tucson has had had dozens of customers come to us with virus infections after having called an alleged technical support site for companies like HP, Microsoft, Dell and even Intuit (Quicken and Quick Books).

The support person got the customer to allow them to make a remote connection so they could diagnose their computer. Invariably, they would scare the customer and tell them their computer was in bad shape with spyware and virus infections, Windows problems and hard drive issues. They would tell them that these were the real source of their problems and that they could fix them. Then they gave them a ridiculous price, often $200  $300 to repair their computers. Gee, we do it for only $130. [Read more&]

Local Computer Repair Service Beats Big Boxes

Local Computer Repair Service Technician

Local Computer Repair Service is Your Best Choice

Local Computer Repair Service shops always beat out Big Box store service. Unfortunately, people often pick big name businesses, thinking big means better. Unfortunately, when it comes to computer repair service, or most any other type of service, the opposite is true.

Why? Because these stores are just that&. Stores! They are retail stores, not computer repair shops. Their business is to sell you stuff, not to fix stuff. These big stores add repair services as a side business, but its main goal is to support their retail sales, in other words, to sell you stuff! [Read more&]

Finding Quality Computer Repair Service, Help, Support & Virus Removal Services in Tucson

Computer Repair Laptop Repair ServiceWhere can you get quality computer repair service in Tucson? Who can do a virus removal & repair that will last? You may ask, “who can fix my computer that I can trust”? � Can they do laptop screen repairs? What about MAC and MacBook repair? Android repair? Will they guarantee their work?

Before I toot my own horn, I will say there are around six well established computer repair shops here in town. These businesses have been around eight years or more, and have good reputations (BBB members). [Read more&]

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