Ransomware Attacks  Prevention-Repair

Ransomeware AttackHave you been hit by a ransomware attack yet? If not, you’re lucky.

Ransomware damage has jumped from $300 million in 2015 to an estimate $5 billion in 2017. This includes the amount of the ransoms paid, plus the costs of downtime and lost productivity.

Ransomware is a type of program that infects a computer and blocks a user from accessing their data until the user pays a ransom. [Read more&]

Laptop Screen Hinges Broken? Avoid Damage and Repair Quickly

Laptop screen hinges are one of the most delicate parts on your Laptop. MacBook Air and Windows Slimline systems are especially vulnerable to hinge damage due to the very thin aluminum or plastic that surrounds the LCD screen to keep it in place.

laptop screen hinges broken

OK, so you went to open your screen and found your screen hinges are cracked. What now?

First thing…STOP! Do not attempt to open up your screen. There are all kinds of tiny wires that are housed right around your Laptop screen hinges assembly. These delicate cables can get ripped apart easily, increasing the cost of the repair.

This could make the difference between a simple repair and having to buy new parts. Repeatedly opening the screen can damage the screen hinges or even more. It can also cause cracks to spread into the top cover and even the LCD screen. Big money! [Read more&]

Computer Repair Today is More Complex.

Computer Repair Has Changed Over the Years

Tucson Computer Repair Services
Computer repair has definitely changed over the years. Personal computers only 15 years ago were much simpler devices. The computer usually ran just one program at a time, plus the programs were much simpler.

Today, computers are much more complex. Computers are able to execute many programs simultaneously. You can open a web browser, a game window and a word-processor window at the same time. This complexity leads to many more Computer Repair issues that can arise.

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Virus Threats  Malware Myths and Misconceptions

internet safety securityVirus Threats and Malware Threats  Know the Real Story

Virus threats and malware are subject to so many myths and misconceptions, that its hard for anybody to know what to think. Here are a few of the most common myths about Viruses, Trojans and other Malware, along with some tips from a computer repair shop.

Myth 1: I am Fully Protected from Viruses Because I Have an Antivirus Program on My PC

Many people ask us how they can get a virus when they have Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee or some other Antivirus or Internet Security program installed on their computer.

The answer is that NOTHNG is 100 percent effective against virus threats and malware. If Hackers can break into government computers with their sophisticated security programs, they can certainly break into your PC. Being too confident in your security software can lead to a virus repair job. [Read more&]

The Top 4 Computer Repair Issues Caused by Human Mistakes

Computer Repair Issues

Computer Repair Thoughts from an Old Pro

Computer Repair is a funny business. It clearly illustrates the faults and foibles of human nature. Things we all do, that arent always very smart.

This is a real issue because computers are at the center of almost everything we do. Its�  more important than ever to know what to do to avoid costly computer repair bills, or at least keep them to a minimum.

Here are the Top 4 Most Common Mistakes people make that eventually land them in a computer repair shop, sometimes hoping for a miracle. Hopefully, youre not guilty of any of these, but I doubt it. Even I sometimes forget, but since I can do my own computer repair, it doesnt cost me as much.

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SSD Drive Upgrade is the Best PC Speedup Method

SSD PC Speedup Upgrading to an SSD Drive (solid state drive) from your regular old hard drive (HDD) is the best upgrade you can make to your laptop or desktop computer, hands down!

Hard drives tend to be among the biggest bottlenecks in performance. SSD Drive speeds are insanely fast, meaning using one will make your boot times and application launches super-fast!

An SSD drive is a hard drive that’s made up of memory chips. It works the same way as a traditional hard disk drive. You wouldnt even know youre using an SSD if it wasnt for the difference in speed. [Read more&]

5 Tips to Avoid Android Malware: Be Aware When Downloading Apps

android marketEveryone loves free apps, especially Android users (phones and tablets). While most of these apps are legitimate, the number of free Android apps that are actually malware keeps increasing. Android users are more at risk than iPhone and iPad users because the the Android market is much more open than Apples.�  This means more choices, but also more risk.

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Local Computer Repair Service Beats Big Boxes

Local Computer Repair Service Technician

Local Computer Repair Service is Your Best Choice

Local Computer Repair Service shops always beat out Big Box store service. Unfortunately, people often pick big name businesses, thinking big means better. Unfortunately, when it comes to computer repair service, or most any other type of service, the opposite is true.

Why? Because these stores are just that&. Stores! They are retail stores, not computer repair shops. Their business is to sell you stuff, not to fix stuff. These big stores add repair services as a side business, but its main goal is to support their retail sales, in other words, to sell you stuff! [Read more&]

Finding Quality Computer Repair Service, Help, Support & Virus Removal Services in Tucson

Computer Repair Laptop Repair ServiceWhere can you get quality computer repair service in Tucson? Who can do a virus removal & repair that will last? You may ask, “who can fix my computer that I can trust”? � Can they do laptop screen repairs? What about MAC and MacBook repair? Android repair? Will they guarantee their work?

Before I toot my own horn, I will say there are around six well established computer repair shops here in town. These businesses have been around eight years or more, and have good reputations (BBB members). [Read more&]

FBI Virus Removal Cases Still Common

Virus Removal Woes Continue:

FBI Virus Removal TucsonFBI virus removal jobs keep coming to our shop. Will this annoying thing ever go away?

I hate to say it, but the only reason its still around is because people are falling for this scam!

Of course, the customers we see, are the ones that dont fall for it and come to us to remove it. I should mention that along with the main scam, it installs all kinds of other spyware as well.

This is actually typical of most viruses. They bring their friends along! Thats why when we do a virus removal, we dont stop when the offending virus is removed. We do further analysis and cleanups as well. We use no less than four different scanning and removal tools, as well as some manual work.

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