Computer Repair Today is More Complex.

Computer Repair Has Changed Over the Years

Tucson Computer Repair Services
Computer repair has definitely changed over the years. Personal computers only 15 years ago were much simpler devices. The computer usually ran just one program at a time, plus the programs were much simpler.

Today, computers are much more complex. Computers are able to execute many programs simultaneously. You can open a web browser, a game window and a word-processor window at the same time. This complexity leads to many more Computer Repair issues that can arise.

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Small Business Computers: Is Office 365 or Google Docs better?

small business computer appsThe release of Microsofts new Office 365 brings great new possibilities for Small Business Computer environments. How?�  Wouldn’t it be great if your�  business computers could get the power of Microsoft Office, with the convenient web based, cross-platform functionality of Google Docs?

Working on the same documents from your PC, Laptop, MAC, Tablet, or even your phone? How about having your documents in the cloud, accessible from almost any device, anywhere? No more thumb drives. No more setting up special VPN connections to your office network!

If you’ve found yourself using Google Docs on your small business computers for the accessibility, but bemoan its lack of power and features versus MS Office, your problems may be over. The new Office 365 is now both a cloud-based program, as well as a desktop program. So should you upgrade and use Office exclusively, or should you stay with your current version, using Google Docs when you need to? I contrast and compare the two below. [Read more&]

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