Computer Repair Today is More Complex.

Computer Repair Has Changed Over the Years

Tucson Computer Repair Services
Computer repair has definitely changed over the years. Personal computers only 15 years ago were much simpler devices. The computer usually ran just one program at a time, plus the programs were much simpler.

Today, computers are much more complex. Computers are able to execute many programs simultaneously. You can open a web browser, a game window and a word-processor window at the same time. This complexity leads to many more Computer Repair issues that can arise.

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SSD Drive Upgrade is the Best PC Speedup Method

SSD PC Speedup Upgrading to an SSD Drive (solid state drive) from your regular old hard drive (HDD) is the best upgrade you can make to your laptop or desktop computer, hands down!

Hard drives tend to be among the biggest bottlenecks in performance. SSD Drive speeds are insanely fast, meaning using one will make your boot times and application launches super-fast!

An SSD drive is a hard drive that’s made up of memory chips. It works the same way as a traditional hard disk drive. You wouldnt even know youre using an SSD if it wasnt for the difference in speed. [Read more&]

Top 10 Windows Computer Services You Can Disable for a Faster PC or Laptop

Speed Up Your PC or LaptopWant a faster PC or Laptop? Faster startup times and smoother performance? Did you ever wonder about all those background programs running on your PC? Do you need all these running all the time? Here are some tips to help you.

Windows has a core set of programs, called “system services” that must run in the background so that the system can perform basic operations. However, you may not need to have all the services running, and disabling unnecessary services can enhance performance.

Here is a list of 10 services you can disable on your Windows 7 systems that will probably not negatively affect you at all. I say “probably” for a reason. Before you take drastic action, such as disabling a service on your PC, make sure you don’t need the service. This is not a definitive list of unneeded services, just some obvious ones.

Test your changes and undo them if you have problems. Create a System Restore point before making any changes, so you can undo them if you get into trouble. [Read more&]

Computer Tips & Tricks: Is Disk Defragmenting Still Necessary Today?

With todays hard drive technologies, people wonder if its still necessary to defragment their hard drives. By the way, what the heck is defragmenting anyway?

Defragmenting your hard drive quite simply means reorganizing the way information is stored on a computer disk so that all of the information belonging to a file is stored in a single, contiguous area on the disk. Believe it or not, a file (like a document, photo, etc) can actually be split up into smaller pieces. Its sub-pieces can be be physically spread out into different locations on the hard disk. This is what is meant by fragmentation. [Read more&]

Online PC Tuneup Sites  Most are Useless or Even Scams

Whats the deal with these sites that promise to double your PCs speed with just the click of a button? � Yes, we all hear the commercials where someone is ecstatically happy because his or her PC is running faster than ever. � Oh really?

You may think Im posting this because Im a repair technician and get angry when I hear these. � Well youre right, but not because Im afraid of the competition. � Im angry because these claims are mostly scams that take advantage of people. � You can speed up your PC by downloading any of a wide selection of free utilities, versus paying these bozos.

Now Im only talking about very basic cleanup processes on PCs that are basically in good shape, because thats all that these sites or the free utilities can handle. � A badly under-performing PC that locks up and freezes, or gets Windows errors cannot be fixed like this. � These sites dupe people into thinking they will, and that angers me even more. � Then, they start charging extra fees for more extensive procedures.

Why not Clean Your PC Yourself, for Free?

I recommend a great little free program called C-Cleaner. � Its very popular among PC Technicians and is part of our arsenal of standard tools. � You can download it from the Resources tab on our Saguaro PC Tech website, or at � Theres a paid version too, but you dont need it.

To clean and tune a really slow PC suffering from lockups and errors, several procedures are required, including checking for viruses and spyware, checking the health of the hard drive,� removing outdated programs, installing Windows and driver updates, etc. � The list goes on.

Again, these sites will charge for more work, but many of these procedures cant be done very well, or even at all via on line support. � Dont waste your time or money. � You may find that taking your PC to a reputable local repair shop will be both cheaper and more effective.

Extending Your Computers Life: If Your PC is over 3 Years Old

I often hear the question from my customers, My Computer is getting old.�  What do you recommend I do if I cant afford to buy a new one?�  Heres whats happening and what you can do.

The major issues that deteriorate the performance of older computers are:

1) Insufficient Memory (RAM):

Machines that are in the 3-5 year range of life have low amounts of RAM by todays standards.�  This is because as time goes by, all those Windows updates youve been getting have actually made Windows bigger, thus needing more RAM.

You may also have installed new software (programs) over time.�  Newer software has more features, and so is often larger than older programs, thus needing more RAM.

2) The Hard Drive:

This is the storage device inside your computer.�  It is a mechanical device and like any mechanical device, the more usage you place on it, the more it wears down.�  It can become increasingly inaccurate as it reads and writes data, thus causing file corruption, data loss and a slowing down of its operation.�  What can you do?

Defragment Your Hard Drive! This will make your hard drive last much longer and help your machine run faster.�  Why?&. Over time, the data on your hard disk gets fragmented and spread out all over the disk.�  This means the drive has to look all over the place to get your files and has to work much harder, stressing and slowing it down.

All versions of Windows have a built-in defragmenting utility, but in my professional opinion, 3rd party Defraggers do a better job.�  I like the free Defraggler program, made by Piriform Software.

What if this doesnt help? Then it may be a good time to replace the hard drive.�  This gives you multiple benefits.�  The most important preserving your data.�  If you wait until it fails, you will lose your data, such as your pictures, documents, emails, address books and videos.

The second benefit is performance.�  With a new hard disk, you have the chance to reinstall or upgrade your Windows to a newer version.�  A fresh installation of Windows gives you a huge increase in performance.�  Your PC will run like new.�  Also, the newer hard drives are faster than older ones, giving you a further boost in speed.

3) Old Software and File Buildup (junk files):

A lot of the software that came with your PC is outdated and is taking up space.�  You may also have lots of programs running in the background that youre not even aware of.�  Some of these programs came bundled with programs that you downloaded, but piggybacked themselves into the download and installed themselves without your knowledge.�  The biggest culprits here are Toolbars (Bing, Google, Yahoo, Ask, etc.).�  You should uninstall these unneeded programs, but be careful, if youre not sure, dont touch it.�  Call a professional computer technician.

Finally, there are many files that get created automatically in the background by the programs youre running.�  These are only temporarily needed, but are left behind even after theyre no longer needed.�  Clearing these out with a good cleanup utility, like C-Cleaner can help regain performance.�  This free utility is also from Piriform Software, the same people that make Defraggler.

So there you have the basics.�  The two utilities we mentioned can be a great help.�  You can find these on our websites links page, or at CNets site.

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