Laptop Screen Hinges Broken? Avoid Damage and Repair Quickly

Laptop screen hinges are one of the most delicate parts on your Laptop. MacBook Air and Windows Slimline systems are especially vulnerable to hinge damage due to the very thin aluminum or plastic that surrounds the LCD screen to keep it in place.

laptop screen hinges broken

OK, so you went to open your screen and found your screen hinges are cracked. What now?

First thing…STOP! Do not attempt to open up your screen. There are all kinds of tiny wires that are housed right around your Laptop screen hinges assembly. These delicate cables can get ripped apart easily, increasing the cost of the repair.

This could make the difference between a simple repair and having to buy new parts. Repeatedly opening the screen can damage the screen hinges or even more. It can also cause cracks to spread into the top cover and even the LCD screen. Big money! [Read more&]

Computer Repair Today is More Complex.

Computer Repair Has Changed Over the Years

Tucson Computer Repair Services
Computer repair has definitely changed over the years. Personal computers only 15 years ago were much simpler devices. The computer usually ran just one program at a time, plus the programs were much simpler.

Today, computers are much more complex. Computers are able to execute many programs simultaneously. You can open a web browser, a game window and a word-processor window at the same time. This complexity leads to many more Computer Repair issues that can arise.

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Local Computer Repair Service Beats Big Boxes

Local Computer Repair Service Technician

Local Computer Repair Service is Your Best Choice

Local Computer Repair Service shops always beat out Big Box store service. Unfortunately, people often pick big name businesses, thinking big means better. Unfortunately, when it comes to computer repair service, or most any other type of service, the opposite is true.

Why? Because these stores are just that&. Stores! They are retail stores, not computer repair shops. Their business is to sell you stuff, not to fix stuff. These big stores add repair services as a side business, but its main goal is to support their retail sales, in other words, to sell you stuff! [Read more&]

Finding Quality Computer Repair Service, Help, Support & Virus Removal Services in Tucson

Computer Repair Laptop Repair ServiceWhere can you get quality computer repair service in Tucson? Who can do a virus removal & repair that will last? You may ask, “who can fix my computer that I can trust”? � Can they do laptop screen repairs? What about MAC and MacBook repair? Android repair? Will they guarantee their work?

Before I toot my own horn, I will say there are around six well established computer repair shops here in town. These businesses have been around eight years or more, and have good reputations (BBB members). [Read more&]

Malware Virus Attacks Facebook Pages

Virus Malware Facebook

A new Malware Virus is hitting peoples and businesses Facebook Pages!

If your page is suddenly crowded with ads, even in your timeline, you got the Iminent malware infection. You will notice their logo on the ads, like in the attached photo.

It will install to every browser on your PC! Your antivirus software wont remove it, because its not technically a virus. Its more like those toolbars that sneak in when youre downloading something else. It wont hurt your PC, but it will annoy you and make your Facebook page almost unreadable.How do I know? It happened to me!

It also puts in buttons on the ads do download other things, and I dont know if those might hurt. The one that made me most suspicious was one telling me I had to download a special player to see a video. Thats a dead giveaway to more potential viruses.

To remove it, you must go into the Add-ons or Extensions area of your web browser and disable it. Then you must uninstall it from your PC.�  I then recommend running a Registry Cleaner, like CCleaner or Glary Utilities. Heres the steps to remove it from the different browsers. [Read more&]

Windows 8: A Computer Repair Guys Thoughts.

As a computer repair shop owner here in Tucson, I thought Id share my experience and impressions of Windows 8 to help people make sense of this drastically new version of Windows that well all have to get used to sooner or later.

Ive been playing with Windows 8 since the preview release came out in the summer.
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Computer Repairs: What is a Fair PC Diagnostic Fee for Everyone?

computer diagnosticWhat should a computer repair shop charge to diagnose your computer problem? What is fair to both the business and the customer? What exactly is a diagnostic anyway? I get this question a lot and its sometimes hard to answer. I always try to give the best value I can, but sometimes people just dont understand whats involved.

A diagnostic simply means to find out whats wrong with the computer. Usually, a technician can figure this out quickly, however, there are times when it can take hours to figure out whats wrong. Ill outline some common situations and how we handle them. [Read more&]

Cracked or Broken Laptop LCD Screen Repair Prices Drop

Broken Laptop LCD Screen Repair ReplaceNeed to fix a broken laptop screen but are afraid of the cost?�  Fear not!�  Prices for replacing laptop LCD screens have dropped dramatically over the past year.�  With the proliferation of laptops, prices for screens have dropped below $100 for many models.�  Even the larger, High Definition screens can be as low as $125.�  Compare that to $250 plus, just a year or two ago.

That means its now worth fixing your laptop versus replacing it.�  With labor, the total cost of most LCD replacement now averages around $230  $250 at most Tucson computer repair stores, such as our shop.�  If your laptop is less than 3 years old and is a mid-to-high-end model, its definitely worth fixing.

These prices are for refurbished screens.�  New screen prices are about $25  $50 more.�  We usually recommend going with a new screen for higher end laptops less than 2 years old.�  For all others, refurbished is your best bet.�  Weve been doing laptop LCD screen repair for several years, and have had very good luck with the refurbished screens.

Top 10 Windows Computer Services You Can Disable for a Faster PC or Laptop

Speed Up Your PC or LaptopWant a faster PC or Laptop? Faster startup times and smoother performance? Did you ever wonder about all those background programs running on your PC? Do you need all these running all the time? Here are some tips to help you.

Windows has a core set of programs, called “system services” that must run in the background so that the system can perform basic operations. However, you may not need to have all the services running, and disabling unnecessary services can enhance performance.

Here is a list of 10 services you can disable on your Windows 7 systems that will probably not negatively affect you at all. I say “probably” for a reason. Before you take drastic action, such as disabling a service on your PC, make sure you don’t need the service. This is not a definitive list of unneeded services, just some obvious ones.

Test your changes and undo them if you have problems. Create a System Restore point before making any changes, so you can undo them if you get into trouble. [Read more&]

Computer Tips & Tricks: Is Disk Defragmenting Still Necessary Today?

With todays hard drive technologies, people wonder if its still necessary to defragment their hard drives. By the way, what the heck is defragmenting anyway?

Defragmenting your hard drive quite simply means reorganizing the way information is stored on a computer disk so that all of the information belonging to a file is stored in a single, contiguous area on the disk. Believe it or not, a file (like a document, photo, etc) can actually be split up into smaller pieces. Its sub-pieces can be be physically spread out into different locations on the hard disk. This is what is meant by fragmentation. [Read more&]

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